Monday, March 26, 2012


I am very sure that you wouldn't see this.

I am waiting for you to fully bloom to be a beautiful flower and I have the confident that you will.
And I feel really bad that I can't help you in anyway.
I feel like the only thing I can do is wait. Give you more space and time, take less from you.
It is time for me to be your support.

Jia you for you and me :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ah, 6th week.

And i have 8 more weeks in UM.

Life is busy so far. Today i went to career fair and hoping they will be my future boss.
Sigh. I feel so reluctant to grow up... Out of past, present and future, i like present the best.
Future is so full of unsure stuff. How i will fare, how i can manage my family, love life and work.
Really sound challenging. I try not to think about it too much because i believe i'll have the way and i can work it out :) Just want to savour this special and beautiful time now.

Smile and you'll be happy