Saturday, April 30, 2011

When we talk about love

We went to the mall and bought a box of strawberries.
I told meh meh that strawberries tasted like your lips. I am not lying.
I shouldn't be so depending on him, actually. But it is hard to do so.
If I am too independent, he'll feel that he wasn't necessary for me.
But when I am too clingy, even me gets tired of myself.
The point is about balance. But what is the equilibrium of love and how to achieve it?

The strawberries had some beautiful red luster on it. It has kind of a sheen on the surface.
We had those berries on the car. And we stopped the car to take a photo of those beautiful fruits.
The surface is so succulent that when you press it, juice will explode out from the fruit.
The car was filled with real strawberry smell... which really reminds me of love...

I hope every thing will turn out to be better for my Meh.
I feel unhappy to see him being so trapped.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Meh meh had been in really low tide recently... maybe his work wasn't going well and he have no outlet for it. He said he need something new to cheer him up. I hope he can really cheer up soon...
Recently he just ignore me, when there is just 2 of us.

I don't know how to help him really. Maybe, this is the time for me to do something for him.
He was so sweet and always be there for me when i had my low tide, I should do the same to him.
I can't always depend on him also right? The main problem is I don't know i should give him more time for his own use or just accompany him more...

I don't know how another person who is not biologically connected to you can make one feel so much. My heart just positively ache when i see him like that... like he is a wisp of smoke and might be gone anytime...

How to be more understanding?

I am just scared, for a really selfish reason, that he'll leave me.
I just can't let him go now... if i can, i want to hold him forever...
I am such a bad girlfriend :(